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2018-11-13 1088 0
在英国苏塞克斯海滨小镇肖尔汉姆海滨的阿杜尔河口,有一排游艇,有着令人眼花缭乱的草率设计,熙熙攘攘的居民创造力。哈米什•麦肯齐(Hamish McKenzie)就是这样一个人,他是一名上了年纪的男子,留着一绺绺灰白的卷发,留着短胡子,懒散的态度,他大部分时间都住在停靠在码头的船上。麦肯齐拥有七艘设计独特的船只,它们排列在河岸上,其中包括一辆经过翻新的船救护车,车顶是一辆黑白格子的公共汽车,飞机的机头盖在船头上。麦肯齐向《大话西游》解释说,他一直在找一个鼻锥,找了很长一段时间,终于在自家的农家院子里找到了一个。这种别出心裁的设计体现了麦肯齐和其他业主在打造自己的房子时所拥有的自由。麦肯齐解释说:我可以有把握地说,没有两种完全相同的食物。在很大程度上,它们展示了生活在它们上面的人的性格。

Tucked into the estuary of the River Adur in the coastal town of Shoreham-on-Sea in Sussex, England is a row of houseboats in dazzlingly slapdash designs and bustling with the creative energy of its residents. One such person is Hamish McKenzie, an older man with swirls of gray hair shaved into his short beard and a laid-back attitude that comes from spending most of his days living inside of a docked boat. McKenzie owns seven of the uniquely designed vessels that line the riverbank, which include a renovated boat ambulance topped with a black and white checkered public bus and an airplane nose that caps off the bow.McKenzie explains to Great Big Story that he had been searching for a nose cone for quite some time, and finally ran across one in a farmyard down the way from his houseboats. This ingenuity speaks to the freedom McKenzie and the other owners have while crafting their homes, which include microwaves as mailboxes and giant tractor wheels as windows.  “I can safely say that there is no two identical,explains McKenzie. “To a large degree, they exhibit the character of the people who live on them.”You can watch the full story behind McKenzie’s houseboats on Great Big Story, and learn more about the history of the riverside community on Facebook.Photo: AcabashiPhoto: Olivia Howitt for BBCPhoto: Olivia Howitt for BBCPhoto: Olivia Howitt for BBC