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2018-06-26 1348 0
一组土耳其和意大利考古学家最近在土耳其南部的一处遗址上发现了一件有趣的东西,一张古老的笑脸画在一个白色的罐子旁边。褪色的脸被简单地画了出来,两个黑点在下面一个弯曲的拱门上盘旋,它是如此的微妙以至于直到它被运送到实验室进行修复才被注意到。“毫无疑问,这个微笑的面孔(在烧瓶上没有其他的绘画痕迹),在古代陶瓷艺术中也没有相似之处,”博洛尼亚大学(Bologna University)的尼科罗·马尔切蒂(Nicolo Marchetti)博士说。在过去的7个夏天里,船员们一直呆在这个发现地点,这里曾经是古代赫梯城卡克米什。这个物体和他们在这个地区遇到的任何东西都不一样,但它并不是唯一被发掘出来的重要东西。研究小组还发现了250个粘土球状物,或附在法律文件上的标记物,两个狮鹫巨大的玄武岩浮雕,以及堡垒和粮仓的遗迹。该建筑遗址明年将作为凯末尔古城考古公园向公众开放。你可以在加齐安泰普考古博物馆看到古代的笑脸。A team of Turkish and Italian archeologists working on a site in southern Turkey discovered an interesting object recently, an ancient smiley face drawn on the side of an off white jug. The faded face is simplistically drawn, two black dots hovering over a crooked arch just below, and is so subtle it was not noticed until it had been transported to a lab for restoration.“The smiling face is undoubtedly there (there are no other traces of painting on the flask) and has no parallels in ancient ceramic art of the area,” said Dr. Nicolo Marchetti of Bologna University, who led the excavation.The crew had been at the site of its discovery for the last seven summers, an area that was once the ancient Hittite city Karkemish. The object is unlike anything else they have encountered in the area, however it was not the only important thing unearthed. The team also found 250 clay bullae, or tokens that would have been attached to legal documents, a large basalt relief of two griffons, and the remains of both a fortress and grain silo.The architectural site will be open to the public next year as the Karkemish Ancient City Archaeological Park. You can visit the ancient smiley close by when it goes on display at the Gaziantep Museum of Archaeology. (via The History Blog)