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2018-04-17 1362 1
    布兰登·阿奇巴尔多德萨(Brandon ArchibaldOdessa)、安娜·亚历山大(Anna AlexandrovaOdessa)和鲍里斯·亚历山德沃斯(Boris AlexandrovOdessa)在一个超级酷的项目上工作,他们为Souva(一家服务于韩国首尔的希腊食物的餐厅)创建了品牌标识和室内设计。这家餐厅将自己定位为一个民主的地方,现代风格的希腊厨房。店主已经有了一幅未来餐厅气氛和气氛的照片,所以他们的任务是了解他的想法,并通过设计展示出来。最终的结果是一个具有很多个性的品牌形象,在室内设计中表现得很好。主要的规则是避免用老套的方式来表现希腊风格。

    Souva餐厅的气氛必须是富有表现力和吸引人的,有点粗糙的街道精神。在他们开始工作之前,这个名字已经被挑选出来了。“Souva”这个词来源于希腊街头的一种叫“souvlaki”的食物,它的名字叫“souvlaki”(在pita中包裹的烤肉和蔬菜)。他们想要保持商标的简单,同时传达一种希腊精神,所以解决方案是在字母“a”中画一个带有希腊字母的字体。它们还包括火的象征,可以被认为是奥运圣火。由于整体风格必须是明亮和动态的,他们创建了一组替代的logotype符号。这个想法是为了让希腊从一个不同寻常的角度看问题,因为今天它不仅仅是古代雕像和蓝色。在创造视觉形象的同时,他们基本上要做的和厨房里做的一样:他们想要有一种现代的希腊风格。因此,其结果是混合了古希腊的海报和照片,拼贴在拼贴的技术中,带有手写的短语和标签,具有街头艺术和地下艺术的精神。品牌标识和内部设计,从食品包装开始,最后以室内设计,传递概念的暴乱风格。它不是关于精美的食物,复杂的食谱和昂贵的整理材料。这是一个被关在外面的地方:街道被带进了餐厅。由于这个原因,他们使用了简单的外部装饰,如混凝土、金属、粗糙的木头、霓虹、异形的被单和金属网;他们把海报贴在墙上,贴在墙上。这个项目的工作很有趣,也很国际化。想象一下:澳大利亚人决定在韩国开一家希腊餐厅,并邀请乌克兰团队来做这件事。好计划!项目团队boris Alexandrov, Anna Alexandrova - creative directionAnton Storozhev - designerServer Terlekchi - designerAleksandra Gerasymenko - designerAnna Alexandrova -室内设计师- copywriterSergey Makuhovskiy, Alexander Gusarev - visualizationDimitry Bogach - video productionWint, Steor -涂鸦艺术家品牌视觉识别。

Brandon ArchibaldOdessa, Anna AlexandrovaOdessa and Boris AlexandrovOdessa worked on a super cool project, they created the brand identity and interior design for Souva, a restaurant that serves Greek food in Seoul, South Korea. The restaurant positions itself as a democratic place with a modern look at classic Greek kitchen.  The owner already had a picture of an atmosphere and mood of the future restaurant, so their mission was to understand his idea and to show it through the design. The end result is a brand identity with a lot of personality that is extended beautifully well in the interior design.The main rule was to avoid usual and cliche way to show Greek style. The Souva restaurant’s mood had to be expressive and catchy, with a bit rough street spirit.LogoThe name had been picked before they started working. The word “Souva” comes from a popular Greek street food dish named “souvlaki” (pieces of grilled meat and vegetables wrapped in pita). They wanted to keep the logo simple and at the same time to transmit a touch of Greek spirit, so the solution was to make a typographic logotype with a slight Greek character in letter “A”. Also they include a symbol of fire, that could be recognized as an olympic one. Since the overall style had to be bright and dynamic, they created a group of alternative logotype symbols.ConceptThe idea was to show Greece from a different not typical point of view, because today it is not just ancient statues and blue color. While creating visual identity they basically had to do the same as was done in the kitchen: they wanted to have a contemporary look on Greek style. So the result is a mixture of vintage Greek posters and photos, put together in a collage technique with a handwritten phrases and tags, with a spirit of street-art and underground. Brand identity and interior designAll visual components starting from food packaging and ending up with interior design transmit the concept’s rioter style. It is not about fancy food, complicated recipes and expensive finishing materials. It’s a place turned outside in: the street is brought inside the restaurant. For that reason they used simple outside finishing like concrete, metal, rough wood, neon, profiled sheeting and metal mesh; they glued posters and made wall tags.The work on that project was fun and international in a certain way. Just imagine: Australian guy decided to open a Greek restaurant in South Korea and invited Ukrainian team to work on it. Good plan!Project teamBoris Alexandrov, Anna Alexandrova — creative directionAnton Storozhev — designerServer Terlekchi — designerAleksandra Gerasymenko — designerAnna Alexandrova — interior designerDimitry Panasiuk — copywriterSergey Makuhovskiy, Alexander Gusarev — visualizationDimitry Bogach — video productionWint, Steor — graffiti artists branding visual identity